Detection/Diagnosis of Chipped Tooth in Gears by the Novel Residual Technology



Published Mar 23, 2021
L. Gehnan I. Jennions I. Petrunin


The no,·el residual technology is applied for the detection/diagnosis of pa11ly-missing ( chipped) tooth in a gear of the machine fault simulator (MFS) produced by SpectraQuest (USA). The automated sensor-less technique is implemented for the speed esti1nation. This technique estimates the speed data from raw vibration data using the nan-ow-band demodulation of the mesh component. providing: that an approxiniate nmni112 speed and munber of teeth are known. An adYanced technique based on the likelihood ratio is used for decision making. The noYel technology is compared with the conwntional technique. the classical residual technology. For both technologies, the gear fault has been continuously diagnosed thromtl1out the whole test duration without fats; alanns and ... missed detections. The use of the no,·el residual technology in comparison to the classical residual technology proYides higher probability of the coll'ect damage detection and f;ster damage diagnosis.

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damage detection, gearbox, chipped tooth, the residual technology, likelihood ratio

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