Development of An Integrated Framework for Cyber Physical System (CPS)-Enabled Rehabilitation System



Published Aug 24, 2021
Jianshe Feng Feng Zhu Pin Li Hossein Davari Jay Lee


A Cyber-Physical System (CPS)-enabled rehabilitation system framework for enhanced recovery rate in gait training systems is presented in this paper. Recent advancements in sensing and data analytics have paved the way for the transformation of healthcare systems from experience-based to evidence-based. To this end, this paper introduces a CPS-enabled rehabilitation system that collects, processes, and models the data from patient and rehabilitative training machines. This proposed system consists of a set of sensors to collect various physiological data as well as machine parameters. The sensors and data acquisition systems are connected to an edge computing unit that handles the data preprocessing, analytics, and results visualization. Advanced machine learning algorithms are used to analyze data from physiological data, machine parameters, and patients’ metadata to quantify each patient’s recovery progress, devise personalized treatment strategies, adjust machine parameters for optimized performance, and provide feedback regarding patient’s adherence to instructions. Moreover, the accumulation of the knowledge gathered by patients with different conditions can provide a powerful tool for better understanding the human-machine interaction and its impact on patient recovery. Such system can eventually serve as a ‘Virtual Doctor’, providing accurate feedback and personalized treatment strategies for patients.

Abstract 657 | PDF Downloads 555



Cyber, Rehabilitation, PHM, Human, Health

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