A Review: Prognostics and Health Management in Automotive and Aerospace



Published Jun 1, 2019
Van Duc Nguyen Marios Kefalas Kaifeng Yang Asteris Apostolidis Markus Olhofer Steffen Limmer Thomas B¨ack


Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) attracts increasing interest of many researchers due to its potentially important applications in diverse disciplines and industries. In general, PHM systems use real-time and historical state information of subsystems and components of the operating systems to provide actionable information, enabling intelligent decision-making for improved performance, safety, reliability, and maintainability. Every year, a substantial number of papers in this area including theory and practical applications, appear in academic journals, conference proceedings and technical reports. This paper aims to summarize and review researches, developments and recent contributions in PHM for automotive and aerospace industries. It can also be considered as the starting point for researchers and practitioners in general to assist them through PHM implementation and help them to accomplish their work more easily.

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prediction, prognostics, Remaining useful Life, prognostics and health management, Aerospace, Automotive

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