Editorial Special Issue: PHM for Railway Systems and Mass Transportation



Published Nov 17, 2020
John Andrews Thomas B¨ohm Pierre Dersin J¨orn C. Groos René Schenkendorf


The railway and mass transportation system is composed of industrial goods with substantial capital investments and long life cycles. This applies to rolling stock like trains, locomotives,
wagons, and even more to the infrastructure like signaling, catenary, tracks, bridges, and tunnels. The lifespan of rolling stock is 30 to 40 years while the infrastructure is used 30 to 60 years even more than 100 years in case of tunnels and bridges. As in other industrial goods, the cost drivers are determined in the early design phases but realized mainly during a long time of operation. Maintenance is one of the main cost drivers but essential to a reliable, capable, and – above all – safe operation.

Abstract 327 | PDF Downloads 358



Condition Based Maintenance, railway systems, industrial analytics, Railway Infrastructure
