Probabilistic Approach for Nondestructive Detection of Fatigue Crack Initiation and Sizing



Published Nov 13, 2020
Azadeh Keshtgar Mohammad Modarres


Early detection of a growing crack is one of the concerns in structural integrity and can be used to predict the remaining useful life of a structure. Acoustic Emission (AE) is a nondestructive
testing method with potential applications for locating and monitoring fatigue cracks. A novel AE signal analysis approach is proposed in this paper to detect crack initiation and assess small crack growth behavior. A probabilistic AE-based model for small fatigue cracks was developed and the uncertainties of the model were estimated. The outcome of this research can be used to evaluate the integrity of structures and assess structural health by estimating the probability density function of the length of detected cracks. This paper discusses the methodology used, experimental approach, results obtained and predictive models developed.

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Structural Integrity, acoustic emission, fatigue, Reliability Assessment, uncertainty analysis, Crack initiation

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